Saturday, November 1, 2008
On Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 5:05 pm, John Munford, of the Citizen posted the following article on gangs in Fayette County, Fayette Ft. Apache to gangs. The article stated that Fayette County now has eight gangs operating here. Fayette County School Official, C. W. Campbell states that there were approximately 100 gang-related incidents in the school system last year. You may recall that Fayette County Sheriff Randall Johnson and soon to be sheriff Wayne Hannah both previously denied that Fayette County had a gang or crime problem. According to the article in The Citizen, both Johnson and Hannah either deceived the voters of Fayette County by denying that it has a gang problem or they are unaware of the problem. I wonder what kind of sheriff Hannah will be if he so ill informed.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Fred Thompson forms a PAC
Dear Friend,
The challenges America faces may appear overwhelming. But you and I both know that if we adhere to the founding principles of individual liberty, federalism, and truly limited government, there is no obstacle the American people cannot overcome.
But the forces driving our country away from those First Principles are strong. They demand an ever-increasing growth in government, higher and higher taxes, and a judiciary that makes law and social policy instead of sticking to the wisdom of the Constitution.
It’s clear that we need men and women in Washington and in the statehouses across America who believe, as we do, in the fundamental principles of limited government restricted by enumerated powers.
That is why I an announcing the formation of Fred PAC, a political action committee dedicated to helping elect candidates who stand for the principles you and I hold dear – principles that are the only sure salvation for America.
Please visit our website at Learn how you can help.
Your support and assistance has meant a great deal to me and my family as we defended America’s First Principles. I know that in the days ahead we will continue in the fight for a strong, free, secure America … together.
Thank you for all you do.
Fred Thompson
The challenges America faces may appear overwhelming. But you and I both know that if we adhere to the founding principles of individual liberty, federalism, and truly limited government, there is no obstacle the American people cannot overcome.
But the forces driving our country away from those First Principles are strong. They demand an ever-increasing growth in government, higher and higher taxes, and a judiciary that makes law and social policy instead of sticking to the wisdom of the Constitution.
It’s clear that we need men and women in Washington and in the statehouses across America who believe, as we do, in the fundamental principles of limited government restricted by enumerated powers.
That is why I an announcing the formation of Fred PAC, a political action committee dedicated to helping elect candidates who stand for the principles you and I hold dear – principles that are the only sure salvation for America.
Please visit our website at Learn how you can help.
Your support and assistance has meant a great deal to me and my family as we defended America’s First Principles. I know that in the days ahead we will continue in the fight for a strong, free, secure America … together.
Thank you for all you do.
Fred Thompson
Friday, August 15, 2008
Participation in the Community and in Elections; Character
Have you considered how few participated in electing those in office these days?
Consider the recent election.
In the primary only 26% voted which means that the "winner" only had to receive a nod from slightly over 13% of the electorate.
Commissioner Peter Pfeifer received 47% of the vote in the primary election yet due to Stuart Kourajian taking 13% of the vote, Pfeifer was forced into a run-off. If Kourajian had not been in the race Pfeifer would only have needed a bit over 3% of those voters to win outright. Given the fact that Kourajian lives in Peachtree City, it would be easily reasonable to assume the majority of Kourajian's votes would have gone to Pfeifer.
Yet due to his involvement in the election Pfeifer was forced into a run-off with Lee Hearn.
In the run-off, which always attracts a lower number, Pfeifer lost. Only 10.33% voted in that election. It is a known fact that the candidate with the higher number of votes in the main election typically loses or barely squeaks by in run-off elections.
It begs the question, was Kourajian a plant by those backing Hearn? It's doubtful any of us will ever know the answer to that question. Personally, I doubt he ran as a deliberate plant, however it is conceivable that some in Hearn's hidden camp encouraged Kourajian.
I read Janet Dunn's blogs on voter apathy and James Wingo's letter on the same subject. I have participated in a number of conversations on the same topic with my friends and acquaintances.
I find it difficult to have much confidence in our "leaders" when so few had anything to do with electing them.
Regarding the two previous blogs on lying, unfortunately we seem to be traveling the same route other metro-Atlanta counties have traveled.
Our schools have been good mainly, in my opinion, because of the participation and concern of parents. Similarly, our county has been great mainly due to the participation and concern of our citizens. As we experience growth and lose our connections, as our population ages and passes on, as the core population of "home-grown" individuals moves to other places, we change and devolve.
I believe those of us who have lived in the county for some time have lived through the "good old days" and we are unfortunately moving into a declining cycle. I sincerely believe if we had kept those in office who were concerned for the county and what was right above special interests I would not believe we were now on the downward slope toward mediocrity. I participate in this group and others in hopes we will be able to find candidates with the character of Peter Pfeifer, Greg Dunn and those who acted on principal.
Consider the recent election.
In the primary only 26% voted which means that the "winner" only had to receive a nod from slightly over 13% of the electorate.
Commissioner Peter Pfeifer received 47% of the vote in the primary election yet due to Stuart Kourajian taking 13% of the vote, Pfeifer was forced into a run-off. If Kourajian had not been in the race Pfeifer would only have needed a bit over 3% of those voters to win outright. Given the fact that Kourajian lives in Peachtree City, it would be easily reasonable to assume the majority of Kourajian's votes would have gone to Pfeifer.
Yet due to his involvement in the election Pfeifer was forced into a run-off with Lee Hearn.
In the run-off, which always attracts a lower number, Pfeifer lost. Only 10.33% voted in that election. It is a known fact that the candidate with the higher number of votes in the main election typically loses or barely squeaks by in run-off elections.
It begs the question, was Kourajian a plant by those backing Hearn? It's doubtful any of us will ever know the answer to that question. Personally, I doubt he ran as a deliberate plant, however it is conceivable that some in Hearn's hidden camp encouraged Kourajian.
I read Janet Dunn's blogs on voter apathy and James Wingo's letter on the same subject. I have participated in a number of conversations on the same topic with my friends and acquaintances.
I find it difficult to have much confidence in our "leaders" when so few had anything to do with electing them.
Regarding the two previous blogs on lying, unfortunately we seem to be traveling the same route other metro-Atlanta counties have traveled.
Our schools have been good mainly, in my opinion, because of the participation and concern of parents. Similarly, our county has been great mainly due to the participation and concern of our citizens. As we experience growth and lose our connections, as our population ages and passes on, as the core population of "home-grown" individuals moves to other places, we change and devolve.
I believe those of us who have lived in the county for some time have lived through the "good old days" and we are unfortunately moving into a declining cycle. I sincerely believe if we had kept those in office who were concerned for the county and what was right above special interests I would not believe we were now on the downward slope toward mediocrity. I participate in this group and others in hopes we will be able to find candidates with the character of Peter Pfeifer, Greg Dunn and those who acted on principal.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Lying doesn't seem to matter to voters
Doubt the school board fibs are going to make a hill of beans when it comes to the voters. They just voted for Herb Frady who was caugh lying during the campaign and he won. All the commissioners 'cept Pfeifer lied about going into exec session without an attorney then lied to cover it up and nobody cared one bit. Don't know what it takes to get peope involved and riled up but lying doesn't seem to rate. - S
A Lie
Granted, I'm hearing this second-hand, but a friend told me she was at a meeting a few nights ago and someone at the meeting informed the group that the School Board knew the deadline for putting the SPLOST question on the ballot back in May.
So? you may ask.
Well, according to their own statements in JULY, the School Board staff had to call an emergency meeting at the last minute because they had JUST discovered the deadline to get the SPLOST question on the ballot was Aug. 5th.
I was also told they did not want a lot of time for the public to have to deal with the issue and they purposely kept under the radar until the last possible minute to avoid public uproar.
I do not know if that last part is conjecture or supposed knowledge. However, although I can't reveal names, I know the first part regarding the question is from an extremely reliable initial source and have no doubt it's true.
I do not like being lied to by the School Board.
I did not like it when they included a recreational pool for the YMCA (another sneaky way to get something they've been wanting) in their proposal for the SPLOST. I've heard the actual BOARD was blind-sided by it being included but there is more than second-hand distance between that so-called knowledge and my ears so can't vouch for the truth. Put that one in the true rumor column.
I am going to work against the SPLOST. The majority of our tax money is going to the schools. We have a bond we're paying down already. Now we need a SPLOST?
Think about the reality of adding 1 cent to the tax number. It's not just a penny, it's a 20 percent increase in taxes. Don't ask me to explain that one, my accountant is the one who shared that with me and tried to explain that it wasn't a one-percent increase, that adding one-cent to the amount paid was actually the 20% increase. There IS a reason I have an accountant! Guys are supposed to be strong in the area of math. I must be the exception to the rule.
I believe if I were to give my accountant the School Board's budget she'd be able to come up with plenty of fat that could be cut. We're all tightening out belts, let the BOE do the same.
So? you may ask.
Well, according to their own statements in JULY, the School Board staff had to call an emergency meeting at the last minute because they had JUST discovered the deadline to get the SPLOST question on the ballot was Aug. 5th.
I was also told they did not want a lot of time for the public to have to deal with the issue and they purposely kept under the radar until the last possible minute to avoid public uproar.
I do not know if that last part is conjecture or supposed knowledge. However, although I can't reveal names, I know the first part regarding the question is from an extremely reliable initial source and have no doubt it's true.
I do not like being lied to by the School Board.
I did not like it when they included a recreational pool for the YMCA (another sneaky way to get something they've been wanting) in their proposal for the SPLOST. I've heard the actual BOARD was blind-sided by it being included but there is more than second-hand distance between that so-called knowledge and my ears so can't vouch for the truth. Put that one in the true rumor column.
I am going to work against the SPLOST. The majority of our tax money is going to the schools. We have a bond we're paying down already. Now we need a SPLOST?
Think about the reality of adding 1 cent to the tax number. It's not just a penny, it's a 20 percent increase in taxes. Don't ask me to explain that one, my accountant is the one who shared that with me and tried to explain that it wasn't a one-percent increase, that adding one-cent to the amount paid was actually the 20% increase. There IS a reason I have an accountant! Guys are supposed to be strong in the area of math. I must be the exception to the rule.
I believe if I were to give my accountant the School Board's budget she'd be able to come up with plenty of fat that could be cut. We're all tightening out belts, let the BOE do the same.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Circle the Wagons
I am unsure as to whether I want to even attempt to circle the wagons at this juncture. I know all but one of the current County Commissioners extremely well having grown up with most and association with others. I fear for our future.
I had at least held out some hope that one who didn't follow their pattern would remain on the Commission but that was not to be. Although he would have been ineffective in changing the direction, those of us who are not privy to the behind-the-scene rationalizations and motivations might have received a slight glimmer if Mr. Pfeifer had triumphed.
I am deeply concerned for our future. We will not know the impact of this election until the bill comes due and then it will be much too late.
We have elected masters at the art of politics and deception. Circle the wagons or pack them and prepare to head out for better territories.
I had at least held out some hope that one who didn't follow their pattern would remain on the Commission but that was not to be. Although he would have been ineffective in changing the direction, those of us who are not privy to the behind-the-scene rationalizations and motivations might have received a slight glimmer if Mr. Pfeifer had triumphed.
I am deeply concerned for our future. We will not know the impact of this election until the bill comes due and then it will be much too late.
We have elected masters at the art of politics and deception. Circle the wagons or pack them and prepare to head out for better territories.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
I did not go to the commission meeting, however I am privy to a few things that happened during the meeting. Commissioner Peter Pfeifer was the lone no vote to settle the lawsuit. He objected saying the Commission did NOT lose the law suits when they went to the Supreme Court of Georgia and that this would open the door to more billboards.
How could it not open the door? Once you allow billboards, the next guy is going to sue and get billboards as long as we have this group of Commissioners.
Commissioner Eric Maxwell sued the county to get unlimited signs. I understand his attorney was Scott Bennett, the county attorney Maxwell hired to replace Bill McNally's firm.
Scott Bennett sued the county working for the company that Maxwell and friends just settled with. How's that for a bowl of rotten stew?
Bennett should have disclosed his ties to Tanner and Maxwell in turn should have disclosed his ties to Bennett and signs. Well, maybe not the signs!
How could it not open the door? Once you allow billboards, the next guy is going to sue and get billboards as long as we have this group of Commissioners.
Commissioner Eric Maxwell sued the county to get unlimited signs. I understand his attorney was Scott Bennett, the county attorney Maxwell hired to replace Bill McNally's firm.
Scott Bennett sued the county working for the company that Maxwell and friends just settled with. How's that for a bowl of rotten stew?
Bennett should have disclosed his ties to Tanner and Maxwell in turn should have disclosed his ties to Bennett and signs. Well, maybe not the signs!
Attorney and County Commissioner Eric Maxwell
I think attorney and County Commissioner Eric Maxwell is in the process of executing a long-term plan that is destined to land him a judgeship.
He ran Judge Fletcher Sams' campaign. After Maxwell got into office, he and his friends on the Commission handed Sams a raise of somewhere in the neighborhood of $35 K per year. Nice. Who owes who in that one?
He ran Scott Ballard's campaign. What do you think is going to happen if the County Commission gets caught doing something they shouldn't? Think Ballard will be impartial? Will Ballard turn it over to a friendly special prosecutor who lets it sit until it's long forgotten?
What about Ballard's requests from the County Commission? Anytime he asks for something is he going to get it? What has he already gotten from the commission? Will Maxwell recuse himself from doing the budget, voting on issues to do with Ballard? Ha.
Maxwell is running Judge Johnnie Caldwell's campaign. Caldwell is an advocate of setting up a costly separate judicial district for Fayette County. We're in a large district right now and there just aren't enough slots for all these judge wannabees. It's a long drive from Thomaston (his home) to Fayette County to campaign. Caldwell's opposition seems to always come from Fayette County.
Eric Maxwell has been trying to get a separate district for Fayette County. Why you might ask? Think about this one.
If there's a separate district what you want to bet that Fletcher Sams, who lives here, will end up as the judge. Then Sams spot will be open. Then Maxwell will be able to run for that and finally get his cushy position.
He got into office supported by the sheriff, Ballard's folks and Sams folks. The sheriff is gone, but those who revere him will still remember his desires. Who ya think is gonna win that spot?
Long term ambitions, carefully laid out plan that is going like clock-work.
Fayette County is being run by the new good old boys.
He ran Judge Fletcher Sams' campaign. After Maxwell got into office, he and his friends on the Commission handed Sams a raise of somewhere in the neighborhood of $35 K per year. Nice. Who owes who in that one?
He ran Scott Ballard's campaign. What do you think is going to happen if the County Commission gets caught doing something they shouldn't? Think Ballard will be impartial? Will Ballard turn it over to a friendly special prosecutor who lets it sit until it's long forgotten?
What about Ballard's requests from the County Commission? Anytime he asks for something is he going to get it? What has he already gotten from the commission? Will Maxwell recuse himself from doing the budget, voting on issues to do with Ballard? Ha.
Maxwell is running Judge Johnnie Caldwell's campaign. Caldwell is an advocate of setting up a costly separate judicial district for Fayette County. We're in a large district right now and there just aren't enough slots for all these judge wannabees. It's a long drive from Thomaston (his home) to Fayette County to campaign. Caldwell's opposition seems to always come from Fayette County.
Eric Maxwell has been trying to get a separate district for Fayette County. Why you might ask? Think about this one.
If there's a separate district what you want to bet that Fletcher Sams, who lives here, will end up as the judge. Then Sams spot will be open. Then Maxwell will be able to run for that and finally get his cushy position.
He got into office supported by the sheriff, Ballard's folks and Sams folks. The sheriff is gone, but those who revere him will still remember his desires. Who ya think is gonna win that spot?
Long term ambitions, carefully laid out plan that is going like clock-work.
Fayette County is being run by the new good old boys.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Immigration compliance in Fayette County
A friend of mine who lives in Gwinnett, works for organization relating to media, sent me this. Anyone heard anything from our local government about this issue?
Gwinnett County Commission Chairman Charles Bannister has directed County government to beef up its compliance with the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act (SB 529), which took effect 13 months ago. In short, state law requires public employers to verify the immigration status of applicants for public benefits. Gwinnett County administers a relatively small number of the dozens of possible public benefits as defined by federal law. ”I feel strongly that tax dollars should be administered not only according to the letter of the law, but to the full spirit and intent of the law,” said Bannister.
Under the act, effective July 1, 2008, Georgia public employers of 100 or more employees must verify information on all new employees using the federal online E-Verify system. Gwinnett County has been using the program since July 1, 2007, to confirm information submitted by potential new hires and required its contractors and subcontractors to do so as well. Gwinnett County is also in the process of verifying information on applicants for housing assistance from the Community Block Grant Development Program through the federal online SAVE (Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements) Program.
“While Gwinnett is already using SAVE for specifically-mandated purposes, I would like to extend its use to similar applications, such as occupation tax certificates, “said Bannister. “We have been a leader in the state with the revision of our purchasing ordinance to require contractors to also employ the SAVE program, but it’s time to redouble our efforts to ensure our community’s continued security.”
Gwinnett County will review the list of public benefits to determine what applies within its jurisdiction and create further policies or adjust procedures as necessary to maximize conformity with the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act. Bannister has instructed County staff to complete any needed adjustments to fully comply with the program by Sept. 1.
Gwinnett County Commission Chairman Charles Bannister has directed County government to beef up its compliance with the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act (SB 529), which took effect 13 months ago. In short, state law requires public employers to verify the immigration status of applicants for public benefits. Gwinnett County administers a relatively small number of the dozens of possible public benefits as defined by federal law. ”I feel strongly that tax dollars should be administered not only according to the letter of the law, but to the full spirit and intent of the law,” said Bannister.
Under the act, effective July 1, 2008, Georgia public employers of 100 or more employees must verify information on all new employees using the federal online E-Verify system. Gwinnett County has been using the program since July 1, 2007, to confirm information submitted by potential new hires and required its contractors and subcontractors to do so as well. Gwinnett County is also in the process of verifying information on applicants for housing assistance from the Community Block Grant Development Program through the federal online SAVE (Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements) Program.
“While Gwinnett is already using SAVE for specifically-mandated purposes, I would like to extend its use to similar applications, such as occupation tax certificates, “said Bannister. “We have been a leader in the state with the revision of our purchasing ordinance to require contractors to also employ the SAVE program, but it’s time to redouble our efforts to ensure our community’s continued security.”
Gwinnett County will review the list of public benefits to determine what applies within its jurisdiction and create further policies or adjust procedures as necessary to maximize conformity with the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act. Bannister has instructed County staff to complete any needed adjustments to fully comply with the program by Sept. 1.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Chiming in
Definitely no on the comments. I don't mind hearing from those with opposing ideas but don't want to sink to Citizen blog level. Keep it real. - SH
Monday, July 28, 2008
I vote no
I vote no on the comments. I don't mind when someone disagrees utilizing facts or even intelligent comments. However, the person is obviously angry about something and is a little bit off it seems. Somehow the person commenting believes this site is for political gain. I'm not sure how a group of citizens talking and sharing information can be construed as being for political gain and I'm certainly unaware of how we could affect anything in regards to elections. To the best of my knowledge our readership thus far is fairly small, albeit growing. We have not been writing long enough to be a force to be reckoned with, however that may change over time if we all continue to participate and become involved.
Earlier someone had asked whether we wanted outside comments or not. I think we should leave it open for comments but set standards. Well-thought out discussions and information should be allowed. After all, even amongst ourselves we have divergent views.
Earlier someone had asked whether we wanted outside comments or not. I think we should leave it open for comments but set standards. Well-thought out discussions and information should be allowed. After all, even amongst ourselves we have divergent views.
Question for all
What should we do about the blogger who sounds like they're from the Citizen newspaper blogging group who is making comments on our blog? I see nobody had posted any of their comments and I know we all have the ability to do so. It's obvious he / she has a bee in their bonnet and doesn't like that we're talking / writing. They are saying the same old tired thing about Bost, Dunn, Wells, and whoever else they want to toss in the mix. Same old, same old with no facts, just name-calling and nastiness.
I'm curious, does anyone know how many authors we have on this blog now? Given the rules I don't know any way to keep count unless someone is keeping an email list of those who have been invited to join. I don't know who has access to the email account, I know there's only a few and I'm not one of them.
I'm curious, does anyone know how many authors we have on this blog now? Given the rules I don't know any way to keep count unless someone is keeping an email list of those who have been invited to join. I don't know who has access to the email account, I know there's only a few and I'm not one of them.
Cooper Lighting to ditch Defined Benefit Plan
Heard from a reliable source that Cooper Lighting will be ditching its Defined Benefit Plan due to the high costs. From what I've heard, they'll keep it in place for current employees but will not offer it to new hires. I am hearing this second-hand so can't vouch for the accuracy of my information. If anyone who's a member of the Firewall knows someone at Cooper or has first-hand information, please let us all know.
The AJC has a new report on Atlanta's plight with their DB retirement. Numbers are going higher.
Did anyone see the story by Chuck Morely in the Fayette Daily News? They went in and talked to their buddies on the County Commission and then repeated the party-line as news. It sounded like the two Jacks co-wrote it.
The AJC has a new report on Atlanta's plight with their DB retirement. Numbers are going higher.
Did anyone see the story by Chuck Morely in the Fayette Daily News? They went in and talked to their buddies on the County Commission and then repeated the party-line as news. It sounded like the two Jacks co-wrote it.
School Board Pulls Aquatic Center from SPLOST
The School Board has pulled the aquatic center, $10 million, from things they want to pay for with SPLOST.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Billboard alert
I just saw a notice on our website that the county commission settled a lawsuit regarding billboards last night. No details but understand there is more info on the Fayette Front Page. There's probably something on the Citizen, too. We need to check this out and get more information. This is one I kept up with and in my opinion unless something has drastically changed we should never have settled and would not have settled if not directed to do so by the County Commission. I will wait for details.
Did anyone on the blog go to the county commission meeting last night? Update please if you did.
Did anyone on the blog go to the county commission meeting last night? Update please if you did.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Story about county contractors, fences
Saw the story in the Citizen today about the county allowing developers to put up unsafe fences around pools so they could use up their supply of illegal fences. Did anyone notice that we had it on the new Fayette Firewall website first? How 'bout them apples. Not that it's really any great feat, saw it in Peter Pfeifer's email and in Greg Dunn's mail out. I think this one deserves to get someone fired. Jack Krakeel was sent a copy of the email. The buck stops at the top guy on the email totem pole. He should be canned. Especially since his job was public safety for how many years?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
North Fayette
I don't know that North Fayette "blew it". I agree that if any group of people, north Fayette, south Fayette, Brooks, Peachtree City, the Kiwanis, the Rotary Club, etc. got together and decided to vote as a block they could probably affect a major change. However, what are the chances of a diverse group of individuals banding together and agreeing that one candidate or one option is the best for all? I've been a member of untold numbers of groups in my long years and not once have I ever seen everyone in any group agree to go in one direction. When you toss politics into the mess it gets even more divided. Democrats pulling Republican tickets? I'm not sure I could pull a Democratic ticket without a darn good reason and I haven't seen one yet. I have voted for a Democrat on occasion in the November elections, but I have yet to be able to change parties in July.
I can't imagine convincing that large a group, coming from untold numbers of backgrounds with untold numbers of beliefs that they should all walk in lock-step and go against "their party". I would guess that even the Republicans on the north end didn't vote in lock-step.
I'm not a proponent of district voting, but I can understand why it's so tempting a choice. Unfortunately, if we did have district voting it wouldn't change anything. The other four commissioners or school board members would just override whatever that one commissioner wanted until it was for the good of the entire county. I prefer to be able to vote on all of the candidates and work to get the bums out if needed. It doesn't always work but at least I can voice my opinions and vote for them all.
I can't imagine convincing that large a group, coming from untold numbers of backgrounds with untold numbers of beliefs that they should all walk in lock-step and go against "their party". I would guess that even the Republicans on the north end didn't vote in lock-step.
I'm not a proponent of district voting, but I can understand why it's so tempting a choice. Unfortunately, if we did have district voting it wouldn't change anything. The other four commissioners or school board members would just override whatever that one commissioner wanted until it was for the good of the entire county. I prefer to be able to vote on all of the candidates and work to get the bums out if needed. It doesn't always work but at least I can voice my opinions and vote for them all.
Monday, July 21, 2008
North Fayette blows it again
North Fayette had the opportunity to elect a black sheriff this election. All we had to do was pull a Republican ballot on July 15th. If we had organized and voted as a block, we would have demonstrated some power and been able to affect the political world in Fayette County.
We did not like Robert Horgan. We could have elected Greg Dunn.
Instead, we split into factions, and failed.
Robert Horgan wouldn't be in office if we had worked together when he first ran for election. We could easily have elected Emory Wilkerson, the black Republican who ran, but we split the vote hopelessly by running not one, but multiple Democrats.
In this months election word was out that North Fayette was going to pull Republican tickets and actually make a difference. We didn't. You can look at the numbers and see that most of the Democrats in the county pulled a Democratic ballot voting for Vernon Jones and others who don't make a bit of difference to us.
I finally figured out why everyone wants district voting. We're just darn lazy and can't fight for ourselves. If we can't work together to make a statement in this county, we don't deserve a voice on the county commission, the school board or the district attorney's office. Shame on those who blindly pulled a Democrat ballot and blew the chance to change our local world.
We didn't like Scott Ballard. We could have elected Rudjard Hayes.
We did not like Robert Horgan. We could have elected Greg Dunn.
Instead, we split into factions, and failed.
Robert Horgan wouldn't be in office if we had worked together when he first ran for election. We could easily have elected Emory Wilkerson, the black Republican who ran, but we split the vote hopelessly by running not one, but multiple Democrats.
In this months election word was out that North Fayette was going to pull Republican tickets and actually make a difference. We didn't. You can look at the numbers and see that most of the Democrats in the county pulled a Democratic ballot voting for Vernon Jones and others who don't make a bit of difference to us.
I finally figured out why everyone wants district voting. We're just darn lazy and can't fight for ourselves. If we can't work together to make a statement in this county, we don't deserve a voice on the county commission, the school board or the district attorney's office. Shame on those who blindly pulled a Democrat ballot and blew the chance to change our local world.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Going Uptown!
One of our members has graciously volunteered to set up a website for us. It's done, finished, ready for all to view. We are now uptown and official! Here's the link:
You'll see the look of the blogs changing to match the website at some point.
You'll see the look of the blogs changing to match the website at some point.
Legal Matter on Thursday. Billboards coming?
Last year when the County Commission make up shifted they set about trying to undo all the policies Herb Frady had been unhappy about. The public was notified about some of the changes and stopped many from happening. Mr. Frady appears not to care for the light of day to shine on his decisions. I expect we'll see much of the same once the run-off election is finished.
I am concerned about the upcoming Executive Session being held prior to the Thursday meeting. They are going to be discussing a legal matter of some sort (legally now that they have an attorney of sorts). What is so important that it requires a meeting before the regular meeting? Usually that would indicate something in need of a quick decision. Given the circumstances I'm sure it is not listed on the public agenda thus we'll all have to wait.
Some things that were put off that I expect to see in the near future include the rezoning of the property owned by Herb Frady's big buddy on Ebenezer Church Road. Stinchcomb has wanted to rezone the property and Herb has been in favor of the move. The neighbors don't want it and there will be a big outcry if they try to decrease the lot size.
They tried to change the sound ordinance. They tried to take away the barrier up on the North end.
Has anyone thought about the fact that once they have five commissioners working in lock-step they will be able to switch their votes around to three-two votes when they need to make a commissioner "look good". They will still get their way but two will always be able to vote differently avoiding public disapproval.
Think about what Herb Frady did in recent days. He has been adamantly FOR defined benefits making two positive votes on the issue. The last vote, which simply had to do with looking at the best way to implement it received a nay vote from Frady. Thus he was able to twist the facts and all of a sudden, knowing it was a political hot potato, could say he voted against it. He tried to make it look like Pfiefer, who has been outspoken against defined benefits was FOR it simply because he voted to look at the best plan. The original vote was the most important vote. The last one was fluff.
I just realized what the upcoming issue of the pre-meeting executive session is probably about! They are going to settle the law suit with the sign company and allow billboards.
The past Board would never have allowed this to happen. Watch and see. They will somehow blame the past Board, who WON all the sign lawsuits, for their inability to win. Given the fact that Eric Maxwell sued to get unlimited signs and that the current attorney was his attorney in the lawsuit, not to mention the fact that Scott also sued Fayette County on behalf of a billboard company, I think they are looking for ways to "settle" the law suit.
Anyone want to make a bet on this one?
I am concerned about the upcoming Executive Session being held prior to the Thursday meeting. They are going to be discussing a legal matter of some sort (legally now that they have an attorney of sorts). What is so important that it requires a meeting before the regular meeting? Usually that would indicate something in need of a quick decision. Given the circumstances I'm sure it is not listed on the public agenda thus we'll all have to wait.
Some things that were put off that I expect to see in the near future include the rezoning of the property owned by Herb Frady's big buddy on Ebenezer Church Road. Stinchcomb has wanted to rezone the property and Herb has been in favor of the move. The neighbors don't want it and there will be a big outcry if they try to decrease the lot size.
They tried to change the sound ordinance. They tried to take away the barrier up on the North end.
Has anyone thought about the fact that once they have five commissioners working in lock-step they will be able to switch their votes around to three-two votes when they need to make a commissioner "look good". They will still get their way but two will always be able to vote differently avoiding public disapproval.
Think about what Herb Frady did in recent days. He has been adamantly FOR defined benefits making two positive votes on the issue. The last vote, which simply had to do with looking at the best way to implement it received a nay vote from Frady. Thus he was able to twist the facts and all of a sudden, knowing it was a political hot potato, could say he voted against it. He tried to make it look like Pfiefer, who has been outspoken against defined benefits was FOR it simply because he voted to look at the best plan. The original vote was the most important vote. The last one was fluff.
I just realized what the upcoming issue of the pre-meeting executive session is probably about! They are going to settle the law suit with the sign company and allow billboards.
The past Board would never have allowed this to happen. Watch and see. They will somehow blame the past Board, who WON all the sign lawsuits, for their inability to win. Given the fact that Eric Maxwell sued to get unlimited signs and that the current attorney was his attorney in the lawsuit, not to mention the fact that Scott also sued Fayette County on behalf of a billboard company, I think they are looking for ways to "settle" the law suit.
Anyone want to make a bet on this one?
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Maybe the County Commissioners Know Something We Don't
Quite possibly the Fayette County Commissioners and their friends are already aware the county is over ripe and ready for the developers pickings. Quite possibly they know are ready to cash in and move on. Quite possibly having upstanding Commissioners on the Board would thwart their plans for the big payoff.
It will be quite interesting to see the donations to those in power at the moment. Eric Maxwell had a PAC which gave him some substantial backing. As some of you know, a PAC can spend up to $5,000 on advertising as long as it is not directly attached to the candidate. Thus, Mr. Maxwell was able to slide around the law quite easily.
Returning to the initial subject, I do wonder if we have passed the point of no return. The developers had to wait for eight or so years while Greg Dunn, Linda Wells and Peter Pfeifer stayed on the straight and narrow. In the past year much of what this group did has been eroded and dismantled. The developers are now the ones in control of the Commission.
Once Dunn and Wells lost leaving the developer-friendly Commissioners in charge, power shifted from the people to the few. Once the developers got their claws into the system they gained power like vampires sucking blood. Now they are firmly entrenched and spawning. Yes, my metaphors are quite mixed.
I for one am going to fight until the day I leave this county. However, I see the day on the horizon when it will be impossible to live here and see this once great community decline.
Quite possibly we have lived through the best days of the county. I am deeply saddened that so many had blinders on during this last election and could not see the repeat pattern that many lived through in their previous home of choice.
It will be quite interesting to see the donations to those in power at the moment. Eric Maxwell had a PAC which gave him some substantial backing. As some of you know, a PAC can spend up to $5,000 on advertising as long as it is not directly attached to the candidate. Thus, Mr. Maxwell was able to slide around the law quite easily.
Returning to the initial subject, I do wonder if we have passed the point of no return. The developers had to wait for eight or so years while Greg Dunn, Linda Wells and Peter Pfeifer stayed on the straight and narrow. In the past year much of what this group did has been eroded and dismantled. The developers are now the ones in control of the Commission.
Once Dunn and Wells lost leaving the developer-friendly Commissioners in charge, power shifted from the people to the few. Once the developers got their claws into the system they gained power like vampires sucking blood. Now they are firmly entrenched and spawning. Yes, my metaphors are quite mixed.
I for one am going to fight until the day I leave this county. However, I see the day on the horizon when it will be impossible to live here and see this once great community decline.
Quite possibly we have lived through the best days of the county. I am deeply saddened that so many had blinders on during this last election and could not see the repeat pattern that many lived through in their previous home of choice.
Fayette Crime --- A New Fayette Firewall Blog!
Crime has recently become an issue in Fayette County. Citizens received mixed messages regarding the rate of crime in Fayette County.
We contend that records can be adjusted and reported to support anyone's viewpoint. If the Sheriff wants to look good, the numbers look good. Crimes can be under reported, closed in a way that doesn't include them in certain stats, or simply reported as one type crime rather than another.
The county is shrinking, also. Cities have annexed a large portion of the county thus the area being monitored by the Sheriff is less today than it was a year ago, five years ago or ten years ago.
A number of our Fayette Firewall members have asked for a blog that would allow the public to report crimes they see or hear about. Plus, some would like to discuss crime and related issues.
We invited our Fayette Firewall members to participate in this blog if they choose and we invite members of the public to comment. Emails regarding crimes may be sent to We'll make sure that they are posted on the blog for you!
We contend that records can be adjusted and reported to support anyone's viewpoint. If the Sheriff wants to look good, the numbers look good. Crimes can be under reported, closed in a way that doesn't include them in certain stats, or simply reported as one type crime rather than another.
The county is shrinking, also. Cities have annexed a large portion of the county thus the area being monitored by the Sheriff is less today than it was a year ago, five years ago or ten years ago.
A number of our Fayette Firewall members have asked for a blog that would allow the public to report crimes they see or hear about. Plus, some would like to discuss crime and related issues.
We invited our Fayette Firewall members to participate in this blog if they choose and we invite members of the public to comment. Emails regarding crimes may be sent to We'll make sure that they are posted on the blog for you!
The Fayette County School Board will be meeting Monday night at 7 p.m. to discuss a potential SPLOST.
Rumor: have heard that someone is filing or has filed an ethics complaint against School Board member Terri Smith.
Rumor: have heard that someone is filing or has filed an ethics complaint against School Board member Terri Smith.
Note to all from S
I have been doing a bit of research on blogs and blogging. At the bottom of this screen there is a place to put "Labels for this post:" If you use that field when posting articles those who are doing a search on a subject will find our blog listed higher in the ranking. The best way to do it is to put in one word, then a comma as it will then hit on any combination. For example: "Herb, Frady, Eric, Maxwell" is much better than "Herb Frady, Eric Maxwell". Now that we're all "back to writing" (I suppose the election woke us all up to the need for showing that some of us do care about the future of the county), we want readership! Using that field will help gain readership. - S
Fayette County Election Irony
Jack Smith, Eric Maxwell, Herb Frady, George Wingo, and others took a photo together, showing they were a political machine, that they all walked in lock-step and supported each other. Then, they accused Greg Dunn and Linda Wells of being a political machine.
If any of the voters cared enough about their county to go to any of the County Commission meetings they would know the difference between the current Board and the past Board. If any of the voters cared enough about their county to get to know the candidates they would know just how ironic it is that the current batch would portray the old Board as being the opposite of what they were. It is not ironic that the voters swallowed the lies, it is sad.
What is even sadder is what this current Board has in store for Fayette County voters. Hold on to your pocket books folks and get the For Sale signs ready because you are going to find that the future for Fayette County just got darker. - S
If any of the voters cared enough about their county to go to any of the County Commission meetings they would know the difference between the current Board and the past Board. If any of the voters cared enough about their county to get to know the candidates they would know just how ironic it is that the current batch would portray the old Board as being the opposite of what they were. It is not ironic that the voters swallowed the lies, it is sad.
What is even sadder is what this current Board has in store for Fayette County voters. Hold on to your pocket books folks and get the For Sale signs ready because you are going to find that the future for Fayette County just got darker. - S
Friday, July 18, 2008
Time Out
Ladies and Gents, we are inviting everyone who would like to express feelings rather than discuss issues to try to use Fayette Vent. You log in the same way as always, but post to that blog rather than Fayette Firewall. We would like to use Firewall to discuss issues, share upcoming items of interest, alert members to issues that need attention and inform.
Two items of interest on the horizon:
Monday night we have learned the School Board will be increasing taxes. We encourage all members to attend. Please alert others. Let's have a packed house.
The second issue is the Commission has announced they will be holding an Executive Session PRIOR to next Thursday's Commission meeting. Plan to attend the meeting and plan to come early as they could come out of the session and vote prior to the regular meeting.
- jl
Two items of interest on the horizon:
Monday night we have learned the School Board will be increasing taxes. We encourage all members to attend. Please alert others. Let's have a packed house.
The second issue is the Commission has announced they will be holding an Executive Session PRIOR to next Thursday's Commission meeting. Plan to attend the meeting and plan to come early as they could come out of the session and vote prior to the regular meeting.
- jl
voter turnout
What's happening in Fayette with the voters? Last few elections going back to when Horgan slid into office because he was white and the sheriff backed him have been pathetic.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Nobody showed up to vote
I took a look at the results. How is it that the majority of people who live in Brooks and Woolsey showed up to vote and nobody showed up anywhere else? Do you smell something fishy? What is it with those people down there if they really did come out to vote like that. The guys who bend over backwards to make sure they don't have condos in their backyards don't get their votes but the ones who want to develop the county and screw us all get their backing?
To whoever it was who said they didn't vote I'll be first in line to kick you. It'll be a long line of back ends I'm kicking because it looks like only 26% of the people in the county give a flying $%#@ about their future.
Yeah, agree that Horgan is about as dumb as they come. We have had some who were close though. Mask couldn't read or write from what I've heard. I think Horgan can at least write if someone tells him what to write. Listen to him talk on some of those YOuTube things then tell me he had anything to do with any of the written responses to any question asked by the papers. Next time you run into him get him to explain something and you'll see. No smarts but real good at doing what other people, namely Herbie, tell him to do.
To whoever it was who said they didn't vote I'll be first in line to kick you. It'll be a long line of back ends I'm kicking because it looks like only 26% of the people in the county give a flying $%#@ about their future.
Yeah, agree that Horgan is about as dumb as they come. We have had some who were close though. Mask couldn't read or write from what I've heard. I think Horgan can at least write if someone tells him what to write. Listen to him talk on some of those YOuTube things then tell me he had anything to do with any of the written responses to any question asked by the papers. Next time you run into him get him to explain something and you'll see. No smarts but real good at doing what other people, namely Herbie, tell him to do.
Hold on, hold on, hold on
Fayette County is now voting based on someone being BORN here? Hold on a minute, no way, not possible. Deep end, over the top, STUPID.
I voted absentee, missed it when they let the nuts out of the nut house around here. The idiots took over the county while I was gone. They must have dumped dumb juice in the water and half the population swallowed it.
The logic defies imagination. Doesn't matter if you can't string a sentence together (Horgan), doesn't matter if you'd sell your first born to stay in office (Frady), doesn't matter if the truth is something you manipulate (Maxwell). All you have to do is have a high school diploma from a local school, a birth certificate that says Fayette County or own a business here????????????????????????
Why shucks m'am I cain't spell worth a hoot but I dun gradiated frum Fayette High School and ah deserve yor vote. You owes me your vote.
One last chance to save Fayette County and that is Peter Pfiefer. If we don't keep him on the Board we have lost the county. Don't know why he'd even want to be there with that crew but at least he gets the word out about what they're doing.
I voted absentee, missed it when they let the nuts out of the nut house around here. The idiots took over the county while I was gone. They must have dumped dumb juice in the water and half the population swallowed it.
The logic defies imagination. Doesn't matter if you can't string a sentence together (Horgan), doesn't matter if you'd sell your first born to stay in office (Frady), doesn't matter if the truth is something you manipulate (Maxwell). All you have to do is have a high school diploma from a local school, a birth certificate that says Fayette County or own a business here????????????????????????
Why shucks m'am I cain't spell worth a hoot but I dun gradiated frum Fayette High School and ah deserve yor vote. You owes me your vote.
One last chance to save Fayette County and that is Peter Pfiefer. If we don't keep him on the Board we have lost the county. Don't know why he'd even want to be there with that crew but at least he gets the word out about what they're doing.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
OMG! THIS is the guy that Fayette County RE-elected? First guy Horgan, not the second, Dunn. I blew it, wasn't in town to vote and didn't do absentee. Kick myself then I'll bend over and let you kick me too.
Good Old Boys Rule
Was I ever shocked by the election results!!!!!!!!! Hannah takes it without a run off? What a rip that was for law and order, justice and truth. Everything will be swept under the rug and business will go on as usual. I don't know a single deputy who wanted THAT outcome!!!!!! I wonder if we're going to see a mass exodus from the sheriff's office.
And what about Frady sliding by just barely by the skin of his teeth. What the heck is the skin of someone's teeth? Totally unknown guy comes out of the woodwork and almost blasts Frady off his perch. Man that would have been poetic justice to have Mr. Corruption, Mr. Ain't never seen a developer he didn't love gone.
Bummed about Dunn and Hayes, too. Both are good guys, incorruptible, no special interest favors and squeaky clean. Sucks the big one.
Pfeifer is probably not far behind as all the good old boys will be aiming their guns at him so they can get their boy swipe-em-plenty Hearn in there. Then it's no holds barred and they'll be slipping and sliding and the county will continue its recent downward spiral into those were the good old days territory.
Remember when Clayton County was "the" place to live? Your know, the good old days before they let it go to you know where.
Guess I'm going to have to start thinking about looking for someplace to move because it won't be long before this place is not where I want to be. I'm already hating to open the newspaper because it's the same old crime crap that I used to see where I used to live.
And what about Frady sliding by just barely by the skin of his teeth. What the heck is the skin of someone's teeth? Totally unknown guy comes out of the woodwork and almost blasts Frady off his perch. Man that would have been poetic justice to have Mr. Corruption, Mr. Ain't never seen a developer he didn't love gone.
Bummed about Dunn and Hayes, too. Both are good guys, incorruptible, no special interest favors and squeaky clean. Sucks the big one.
Pfeifer is probably not far behind as all the good old boys will be aiming their guns at him so they can get their boy swipe-em-plenty Hearn in there. Then it's no holds barred and they'll be slipping and sliding and the county will continue its recent downward spiral into those were the good old days territory.
Remember when Clayton County was "the" place to live? Your know, the good old days before they let it go to you know where.
Guess I'm going to have to start thinking about looking for someplace to move because it won't be long before this place is not where I want to be. I'm already hating to open the newspaper because it's the same old crime crap that I used to see where I used to live.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
commission jack smith
tried to get through the letter
got lost
read enough to know he's trying to justify something that can't be justified
they are catering to the employees at the expense of the county
did they cut a deal with 'interim' county manager jack krakeel
what does he have on them
of course the employees are going to want these guys left in there
who wouldn't when the commissioners are kissing their behinds
dont' they know that when the county runs out of money paying benefits to the ones who leave early that they won't get anything and they'll get screwed
bet krakeel retires fast
they'll stick this benefit system in and he'll wait around just long enough to get his then vamoose
smiths letter is the longest rambling mess
no sense can be made of all the stats he sticks
anyone on here read it
got lost
read enough to know he's trying to justify something that can't be justified
they are catering to the employees at the expense of the county
did they cut a deal with 'interim' county manager jack krakeel
what does he have on them
of course the employees are going to want these guys left in there
who wouldn't when the commissioners are kissing their behinds
dont' they know that when the county runs out of money paying benefits to the ones who leave early that they won't get anything and they'll get screwed
bet krakeel retires fast
they'll stick this benefit system in and he'll wait around just long enough to get his then vamoose
smiths letter is the longest rambling mess
no sense can be made of all the stats he sticks
anyone on here read it
Monday, July 14, 2008
Bob Fuhrman
I've seen the guy out on the streets waving to people and talking to people all over the place. I stopped and talked to him for a minute or two and was impressed. The man is honest and has his head on straight when it comes to doing what is right. I don't think he knows much about the commission business yet but it was very clear that he had the ability to pick things up. He earned my vote. I hate to say I'm still no the fence in a couple of other elections. I know I'm voting for Dunn. I can't decide in the Probate race yet and may end up closing my eyes and touching the screen. I'm leaning toward Hayes but Ballard isn't out yet. Sheriff is a toss up between the Simmons guy and Babb. I'm going out on their websties to do a final decision making search. I like them both and don't think I'll really care which one gets in other than I'm leaning toward home-grown. I think Simmons is sharp though and maybe it would be good to get an outsider in to look at things with a fresh eye. I like to shake things up with management at work, bring in someone with strong management abilities but no direct knowledge of the area sometimes just to ferret out the weak spots that get overlooked. Guess I better get my butt in gear because tomorrow is the big day and I've got some last minute decisions to make! Happy voting friends! If anyone is out there reading this I'd be open for some insights on the races I mentioned I'm struggling with.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Matter for consideration of Fayette Firewall members
Fellow writers we need to make a decision as to who can add comments on our blog posts. I realize we had agreed that whoever of our group happened to be logged into the blog could approve or disapprove comments. I see that two comments have been approved today and I have no problem with either as they are from someone who is supporting Scott Ballard and since I plan to vote for him of course I am in favor of the postings! However, we need to give some thought as to whether this blog will be open to public comment as we never gave it full consideration. I am in favor of leaving it as is and allowing comments with prior approval by any member. The intention was to revisit the issue at a later date. Now that we are all engaged, I believe this may be the time. - SH
Hollis Harris
I used to have a lot of respect for Hollis Harris. He was an icon at Delta Airlines and I hate to see him sully his name by lending it to people who have no scruples. How old is he?
I was surprised when he made the phone calls for Eric Maxwell back in the last Commission election. I was shocked by the nonsense in the letter he wrote to the Editor and then gave to Robert Horgan to use in his advertisement in the Citizen Newspaper.
Did neither of them think about how that would come across to every new person who has moved to the county for the great schools and low crime? Did neither of them think about how minorities would view the obviously racist spiel he drooled?
The majority of Robert Horgan's constituents are people of color. Did they discount those individuals assuming they would vote a Democratic ballot and that it could not hurt him in the election? Has he not heard that Democrats are being highly encouraged to vote Republican on Tuesday so they can have a voice in what is going on in their community? Are they simply arrogant and uncaring about their constituents?
I agree with the earlier letter written by a number of individuals in the Fayette Firewall in that Hollis Harris' premise is flawed. If we chose our elected officials based on his formula only special interest groups like his would be making decisions in this county. I am looking at qualifications and for individuals who put the citizens of Fayette County first, not business interests.
Friendly aside to my fellow writers. When posting on the blog you might want to take advantage of the spell check function.
I was surprised when he made the phone calls for Eric Maxwell back in the last Commission election. I was shocked by the nonsense in the letter he wrote to the Editor and then gave to Robert Horgan to use in his advertisement in the Citizen Newspaper.
Did neither of them think about how that would come across to every new person who has moved to the county for the great schools and low crime? Did neither of them think about how minorities would view the obviously racist spiel he drooled?
The majority of Robert Horgan's constituents are people of color. Did they discount those individuals assuming they would vote a Democratic ballot and that it could not hurt him in the election? Has he not heard that Democrats are being highly encouraged to vote Republican on Tuesday so they can have a voice in what is going on in their community? Are they simply arrogant and uncaring about their constituents?
I agree with the earlier letter written by a number of individuals in the Fayette Firewall in that Hollis Harris' premise is flawed. If we chose our elected officials based on his formula only special interest groups like his would be making decisions in this county. I am looking at qualifications and for individuals who put the citizens of Fayette County first, not business interests.
Friendly aside to my fellow writers. When posting on the blog you might want to take advantage of the spell check function.
Harold Bosts letter
Bost has formed a PAC and mailed the letter to maybe eveyrone in the county the way it sounds. they must have raised a pretty penny to be able to upt it together and get it out like that. I told you guys I would try to find a copy of the letter and addd it here but I still wasnt' sure it was legal so didn't but you should have gotten it in the mail by now. He says some scalding stuff. I think I might give him a call and find out about the pac. I'm waiting to see what happen in the election first.
Read Hollis Harris' letter!
Talk about being racist. He doesn't want outsiders. He doesn't want people who don't know what HE expects of them. I would bet that at least 80% of the people in this county are "outsiders", carpet baggers or people who don't fit into HIS mould. Pompous.
Open Letter to Hollis Harris
Mr. Hollis Harris, Based on your own criteria of going to school in Fayette County, owning a business in Fayette County or being born in Fayette County, you chose wrong.
You chose Wayne Hannah for Sheriff because he went to school in Fayette County. You completely overlooked Barry Babb who is FIVE GENERATION Fayette County. He not only went to school here, but he was born here and his children went to school here. His parents went to school here and so did their parents.
In the Probate Judge race you chose Ann Jackson because her children went to school in Fayette County. You overlooked Jim Whitlock and Steve Kiser who raised their children here, own businesses here in the county and both have lived here a lot longer than Ann Jackson. We may be incorrect on this count, but we believe Jim Whitlock may have been born in Fayette County.
In the County Commission race you overlook Bob Fuhrman who's children went to school here. You also seem to forget that Greg Dunn's wife owns a business here and that the couple's son / step son went to school here. We believe he started school at Tyrone Elementary and graduated from Sandy Creek High School but again we could be incorrect on the high school. Peter Pfeifer's daughter went to school here and graduated from one of the local high schools. He may not own a business but he has always worked in the county in a management position making payroll and all the other criteria you mentioned important.
For Tax Commissioners you chose George Wingo. Linda Wells owns a successful business in the county. George Wingo is a career politician.
You talk about a political machine knowing nothing about the people you endorse obviously. All you have to do is look at the pictures they all used in their campaign materials to know what a political machine looks like. In the picture you have Lee Hearn, Jack Smith, Eric Maxwell, Herb Frady, George Wingo, the Sheriff, and Robert Horgan. They are openly stating they are a political machine.
In the District Attorney's race you chose Scott Ballard because he is liked. We feel a District Attorney should be able to do his job, which is to put criminals behind bars. Mr. Ballard has been in the county for generations, just like Barry Babb who is also well liked and has lived in the county much longer. Rudjard Hayes is raising his children here in the county and they have been long time church members, he coached children's sports in Peachtree City before he moved here and he owns a business here in the county.
You chose to skip the school board race, sticking with the incumbents. Is that because your criteria for electing those in public office wouldn't work in that race?
We think you might have been just a bit more honest in your reasons for choosing those you've chosen. Isn't it true that your daughter is married to Sam Chapman, who is a long-time friend of Eric Maxwell and Robert Horgan? Didn't Horgan's father work for you at Delta? Didn't Sam Chapman run Robert Horgan's first campaign and possibly this campaign? Aren't you good friends with all those you chose? Aren't most of your choices in that group that is pushing hard to get an art center built in Fayette County? Did you choose your criteria based on what is best for Fayette County or did you simply use your very creative and intelligent mind to create a scenario that somewhat allowed you to choose your friends?
If we chose our elected officials based on the criteria you chose to use then the village idiot would qualify. We choose our elected officials based on their qualifications, their selfless desire to serve the county rather than their own needs or those of developers OR business interest and their ethics. You seemingly have a much lower bar.
The Fayette Firewall
Permission to distribute this letter is hereby granted.
You chose Wayne Hannah for Sheriff because he went to school in Fayette County. You completely overlooked Barry Babb who is FIVE GENERATION Fayette County. He not only went to school here, but he was born here and his children went to school here. His parents went to school here and so did their parents.
In the Probate Judge race you chose Ann Jackson because her children went to school in Fayette County. You overlooked Jim Whitlock and Steve Kiser who raised their children here, own businesses here in the county and both have lived here a lot longer than Ann Jackson. We may be incorrect on this count, but we believe Jim Whitlock may have been born in Fayette County.
In the County Commission race you overlook Bob Fuhrman who's children went to school here. You also seem to forget that Greg Dunn's wife owns a business here and that the couple's son / step son went to school here. We believe he started school at Tyrone Elementary and graduated from Sandy Creek High School but again we could be incorrect on the high school. Peter Pfeifer's daughter went to school here and graduated from one of the local high schools. He may not own a business but he has always worked in the county in a management position making payroll and all the other criteria you mentioned important.
For Tax Commissioners you chose George Wingo. Linda Wells owns a successful business in the county. George Wingo is a career politician.
You talk about a political machine knowing nothing about the people you endorse obviously. All you have to do is look at the pictures they all used in their campaign materials to know what a political machine looks like. In the picture you have Lee Hearn, Jack Smith, Eric Maxwell, Herb Frady, George Wingo, the Sheriff, and Robert Horgan. They are openly stating they are a political machine.
In the District Attorney's race you chose Scott Ballard because he is liked. We feel a District Attorney should be able to do his job, which is to put criminals behind bars. Mr. Ballard has been in the county for generations, just like Barry Babb who is also well liked and has lived in the county much longer. Rudjard Hayes is raising his children here in the county and they have been long time church members, he coached children's sports in Peachtree City before he moved here and he owns a business here in the county.
You chose to skip the school board race, sticking with the incumbents. Is that because your criteria for electing those in public office wouldn't work in that race?
We think you might have been just a bit more honest in your reasons for choosing those you've chosen. Isn't it true that your daughter is married to Sam Chapman, who is a long-time friend of Eric Maxwell and Robert Horgan? Didn't Horgan's father work for you at Delta? Didn't Sam Chapman run Robert Horgan's first campaign and possibly this campaign? Aren't you good friends with all those you chose? Aren't most of your choices in that group that is pushing hard to get an art center built in Fayette County? Did you choose your criteria based on what is best for Fayette County or did you simply use your very creative and intelligent mind to create a scenario that somewhat allowed you to choose your friends?
If we chose our elected officials based on the criteria you chose to use then the village idiot would qualify. We choose our elected officials based on their qualifications, their selfless desire to serve the county rather than their own needs or those of developers OR business interest and their ethics. You seemingly have a much lower bar.
The Fayette Firewall
Permission to distribute this letter is hereby granted.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Rudjard Hayes and Scott Ballard
I voted today and Rudjard Hayes got my vote. I want someone who's kick butt in that office, not someone who cozies up to the Sheriff and the Commissioners. I've heard that they gave him a county car AND gave his secretary a county car. I don't think I should be putting gas in a secretary's car to drive back and forth to work.
I voted for Greg Dunn, Peter Pfeifer and Bob Fuhrman for commission, Dave Simmons for sheriff, skipped the PSC because I have no idea who any of the people are and am not sure it even matters.
On the school board I pushed the screen for Janet Smola, that Mary something or other and the lady with the double last name. I don't have any children in the school system these days but they control a lot of my tax dollars. Smola is the only one on the board right now who seems to have any fiscal sense.
I voted for Greg Dunn, Peter Pfeifer and Bob Fuhrman for commission, Dave Simmons for sheriff, skipped the PSC because I have no idea who any of the people are and am not sure it even matters.
On the school board I pushed the screen for Janet Smola, that Mary something or other and the lady with the double last name. I don't have any children in the school system these days but they control a lot of my tax dollars. Smola is the only one on the board right now who seems to have any fiscal sense.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Wingo, Ballard and Some Horgan
Have you noticed all the Wingo and Ballard signs that are on old beat up homes with for sale signs sitting in front of them? I have started seeing HOrgan signs now in the same dumps. What does that say about the trio? For a long time Lee Hearn had a sign on that burned out Mrs. Winners in Fayetteville but I see that it goes up and down. I think Kiser is on it now. Do they think we are going to vote for them because foreclosed or trash heaps have signs sitting in front of them.
Herb Frady's Lies
Sorry guys about putting wrong vid up on Herb Frady. Here's correct:
Note how he LIES because he knows the defined benefit thing is going to screw the taxapayer. No, take that back, he LIES because he knows it's unpopular and he wants to get elected so he changes a vote that doesn't matter. I know the rules on here, I just read Harry's blog reminding us. I'm going to be participating here still but I am setting up my own blog so I can VENT too. - bfe
Note how he LIES because he knows the defined benefit thing is going to screw the taxapayer. No, take that back, he LIES because he knows it's unpopular and he wants to get elected so he changes a vote that doesn't matter. I know the rules on here, I just read Harry's blog reminding us. I'm going to be participating here still but I am setting up my own blog so I can VENT too. - bfe
Monday, July 7, 2008
Harol Bost's Letter to the Editor
I read the letter to the editor in the Fayette Daily News from Harold Bost. He dropped bomb after bomb on the current board of commissioners. He does not like Herb Frady. I'm not sure if any of you happened to pick up a copy, it was not in the free copy that gets dumped on our driveways. I usually don't buy it am sure glad I did this time. I've heard rumors about some of the things he talked about but had no idea how serious things were getting at this point. I'm gald I haven't voted yet because I just changed a couple of my votes. If any of you are interrested in reading the letter I will see if I can get a copy online to post in here if thats legal. Does anyone know since it's a letter to the editor if we can grab it and add it on here? - jlc
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Protecting Our Enviroment, Robert Horgan Style
Now I just have to figure out a way to get them on here somehow.
One is on the corner across from the old courthouse in the middle of Fayetteville. I think the house is owned by Thomas Stevens (or is it Stephenson). YOu know, he'd the guy who cluttered up the county with a million signs and still lost the election.
It wasn't hard to get the photos on here at all. My pictures aren't so hot, but I took them from the truck driving down the road, just slowed down, shot and drove on.
The other one is down off Gingercake. I hate to see these beautiful old trees used for posts for signs. It's bad enough that we have to look at them all over the place and half these candidates won't go clean them up if they lose.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
My Vote in the Upcoming Election
I consider myself to be a fairly educated and informed individual. I read all the newspapers and online media, with the exception of the online Citizen Newspaper. I find all the blather of the blogging to be distracting and extremely negative, not to mention that most are pontificating on issues on which they have zero knowledge. I attend the occasional County Commission and City Council meeting.
I have been to most of the public forums and candidate "meet and greets" and some private events. Now I am prepared to vote and share my opinions.
Tax Commissioner
I will most likely bite the bullet and vote for Linda Wells. I am not enamored of either candidate, but I find Mr. Wingo's smugness irritating. I also was not impressed with anyone who did not have the sense to keep his guns at home. While Linda Wells is not the warmest individual, she is frugal and honest beyond a shadow of doubt.
Probate Judge
Ann Jackson. Steve Kiser would be my second choice. Ms. Jackson has a calm demeanor, seems to be the best qualified and has the pleasant tone I so enjoyed from Judge Stephenson.
District Attorney
Rudjard Hayes. A District Attorney should be tough and should have a good record when it comes to convictions and being overturned on appeal. Scott Ballard seems like a nice individual but that is not a trait I look for in a District Attorney. I took strong exception to his testimony in regards to the convicted child molester. Irregardless of when the man committed his crime, they do not stop. If the child-molester's current problem involved alcohol as Mr. Ballard has indicated, then the chance is high that his inhibitions would be relaxed and there would be a higher chance of a repeat crime (if indeed he ever stopped).
County Commission
Post 1 - Greg Dunn. He was fair, honest beyond a shadow of doubt, frugal and trustworthy. All are traits hard to find in an elected official. I can find not one thing his opponent Robert Horgan has done aside from vote with the majority. After watching the video posted on this blog earlier with Mr. Horgan and Mr. Dunn on defined benefits, my choice was vindicated.
Post 2 - Robert Fuhrman. He has not impressed me with his knowledge of issues, but given his inexperience I can assume he will learn. His honestly and willingness to put the voter first sold me initially. However, I must admit that I too, like someone on this blog said somewhat differently, would vote for the dog catcher rather than vote for Herb Frady. My vote will be for the honest man.
Post 3 - Peter Pfiefer. I know Lee Hearn. I know he will be another pea in the pod with Eric Maxwell and Jack Smith (and possibly Herb Frady and Robert Horgan if either prevail). We do not need to continue the voting streak of the past year and one half. I am uncertain on Stuart Kourajian and cannot seem to pin him down on any issues. He walks down the middle, something I abhor in an elected official. He seems like a nice enough fellow, but clarity is important to me and I do not find it with Mr. Kourajian.
I said I had made up my mind completely but I still have a small area of doubt when it comes to choosing who I will cast my vote for in this race. I am strongly leaning to Dave Simmons, but Barry Babb has also impressed me. I am almost certain I will be voting for Mr. Simmons as I believe it is always good to have an outside review of such a critical department. His credentials are stellar and the answers he gave to questions asked at the debates were well-thought out and showed an astute knowledge of law enforcement and Fayette County. However, Mr. Babb is also a seemingly outstanding individual. I expect there to be a run off in this race.
I have been to most of the public forums and candidate "meet and greets" and some private events. Now I am prepared to vote and share my opinions.
Tax Commissioner
I will most likely bite the bullet and vote for Linda Wells. I am not enamored of either candidate, but I find Mr. Wingo's smugness irritating. I also was not impressed with anyone who did not have the sense to keep his guns at home. While Linda Wells is not the warmest individual, she is frugal and honest beyond a shadow of doubt.
Probate Judge
Ann Jackson. Steve Kiser would be my second choice. Ms. Jackson has a calm demeanor, seems to be the best qualified and has the pleasant tone I so enjoyed from Judge Stephenson.
District Attorney
Rudjard Hayes. A District Attorney should be tough and should have a good record when it comes to convictions and being overturned on appeal. Scott Ballard seems like a nice individual but that is not a trait I look for in a District Attorney. I took strong exception to his testimony in regards to the convicted child molester. Irregardless of when the man committed his crime, they do not stop. If the child-molester's current problem involved alcohol as Mr. Ballard has indicated, then the chance is high that his inhibitions would be relaxed and there would be a higher chance of a repeat crime (if indeed he ever stopped).
County Commission
Post 1 - Greg Dunn. He was fair, honest beyond a shadow of doubt, frugal and trustworthy. All are traits hard to find in an elected official. I can find not one thing his opponent Robert Horgan has done aside from vote with the majority. After watching the video posted on this blog earlier with Mr. Horgan and Mr. Dunn on defined benefits, my choice was vindicated.
Post 2 - Robert Fuhrman. He has not impressed me with his knowledge of issues, but given his inexperience I can assume he will learn. His honestly and willingness to put the voter first sold me initially. However, I must admit that I too, like someone on this blog said somewhat differently, would vote for the dog catcher rather than vote for Herb Frady. My vote will be for the honest man.
Post 3 - Peter Pfiefer. I know Lee Hearn. I know he will be another pea in the pod with Eric Maxwell and Jack Smith (and possibly Herb Frady and Robert Horgan if either prevail). We do not need to continue the voting streak of the past year and one half. I am uncertain on Stuart Kourajian and cannot seem to pin him down on any issues. He walks down the middle, something I abhor in an elected official. He seems like a nice enough fellow, but clarity is important to me and I do not find it with Mr. Kourajian.
I said I had made up my mind completely but I still have a small area of doubt when it comes to choosing who I will cast my vote for in this race. I am strongly leaning to Dave Simmons, but Barry Babb has also impressed me. I am almost certain I will be voting for Mr. Simmons as I believe it is always good to have an outside review of such a critical department. His credentials are stellar and the answers he gave to questions asked at the debates were well-thought out and showed an astute knowledge of law enforcement and Fayette County. However, Mr. Babb is also a seemingly outstanding individual. I expect there to be a run off in this race.
I feel the need to remind everyone of the rules we agreed upon when being given privileges to write on Fayette Firewall. We agreed we would not indulge in name-calling or any include any comments that could be perceived of as a personal attack on any individual, including those in elected office. I understand perfectly the inclination to strike out or poke fun at the person making the decisions' mental acuity or nature, however, we must stay on issue. Our goal, if I may remind, is to inform and share opinions, not vent.
Harry the Heavy Handed Moderator
Harry the Heavy Handed Moderator
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Hey t-man, tx for letting me know everyone's starting to talk on here again. I kept checking and no one was writing so I gave it up.
bfe you put the wrong video up on here. That's one with Robert Horgan and Greg Dunn on the retirement plans. You must watch it tho. I laughed so hard I hurt. Robert Horgan looks like a deer caught in the headlights when they ask him about defined benefits. He sounds like a ditz. What makes it even better is I read his answer to the Citizen question where he was trying to make it sound like a good thing they were getting ready to screw us so they could all have cush retirement. There is no way, no way, he wrote his own anser to the questions they asked in the Citizen. YOu read his words on line and then go watch this video and tell me he didn't cheat on his answers.
Hey, does anyone know if the commissioners are going to be covered by the same plan as the rest of the employees?
Glad you gentleman are back in blog business.
bfe you put the wrong video up on here. That's one with Robert Horgan and Greg Dunn on the retirement plans. You must watch it tho. I laughed so hard I hurt. Robert Horgan looks like a deer caught in the headlights when they ask him about defined benefits. He sounds like a ditz. What makes it even better is I read his answer to the Citizen question where he was trying to make it sound like a good thing they were getting ready to screw us so they could all have cush retirement. There is no way, no way, he wrote his own anser to the questions they asked in the Citizen. YOu read his words on line and then go watch this video and tell me he didn't cheat on his answers.
Hey, does anyone know if the commissioners are going to be covered by the same plan as the rest of the employees?
Glad you gentleman are back in blog business.
Took me a bit to catch the Frady lies
T, you were right on. He's acting like he was against this defined benfit fiasco all along even though he very clearly was for it right from the start. I'm with you, how's this guy Herb Frady get elected? I'm going to add the video on here just in case someone else ever reads our stuff. You have to watch it closely to catch the bs, wish they had done a better job of spelling out his lies. I had to watch it twice to catch it because I couldn't watch, listen and read at the same time ha ha. - bfe
Election time and Frady's lying again.
Have any of you guys watched that video with Frady and Pfeifer on benefits for the county employee? It's kind of boring at first but it you watch it long enoughyou can see Frady's nose starting to grow longer and longer. Man what a twist he is. Reminds me of Kerry wiht his voting for it before he voted against it. How has this guy stayed in office for so long? I'd vote for King Kong if he ran against Frady just to get him out. - T
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Peter Pfeifer the only one who prays?
What's with the commissioners not praying? Is it true Pfeifer's the only one who prays? The other guys scared to pray? I've been to maybe ten meetings since this new group took over and every time Pfeifer has been the one to open with a prayer. Anyone ever seen anyone else praying? Isn't the chair the one who does the honors normally? What goes?
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Why is Jack Krakeel still "Interim"?
Last year the Fayette County Commission seemed hell bent on changing any and everything that had any faint tinge of Chairman Greg Dunn or Commissioner Linda Wells on it. Didn't matter good bad or ugly they had to change it.
They got rid of Chris Venice who was the then County Manager. Venice had a rough time any time developer friendly commissioners were in power. Herb Frady and his pals of the day bumped her from anything to do with planning and zoning years back because she stuck to her guns and upheld the rules. They liked to bend for their buddy developers.
Frady didn't like it when the straight-arrow Dunn Wells Pfeifer group wanted her to be county manager. Some of the government employees who were used to doing things their way rather than by the rules didn't like her either. All of a sudden they were expected to start acting like they were in a business instead of a typical government free for all zone.
So Frady finally stabbed just enough people in the back to think he got what he wanted which was a Board that would get rid of Bill McNally. Chris Venice was another thorn in his side and the Commissioners wanted someone who was on "their" side so she was out.
They pull in their buddy their friend Jack Krakeel. He's the one who's getting close to retirement and needs a defined benefit system. Rumor has it he didn't do real well with sticking money back for retirement and he's panicking. Who knows if that's true? I sure don't but it makes sense.
It's been almost a year and he's still the "Interim" County manager which means he's temporary. Temporary? Why??????
The commissioners haven't even made a tiny squeak about looking for a full-time county manager.
The county manager is a contract job it's not one where you are tied into county benefits and you serve at the will of the board. Which means they can ditch you like a hot potato for no reason. If Krakeel is still an employee like he is now then it's tougher and he automatically gets exactly what he's fighting for which is a cushy retirement.
I wonder what he's getting paid? Is it his regular salary or is he getting double?
There were some deals cut. They moved his pet project forward costing tax payers a huge chunk of money and now we're going to have some kind of emergency center that will make the rest of the state second class. He got his defined benefits, too.
Here's what I think is going to happen. I think once the defined benefits are locked in later this year they'll start looking for a full time county manager. I don't know how long it will take for Krakeel to take care of getting all his stuff transferred money wise so he can retire but it won't be long after that before he's gone.
No wait I forgot!!! He'll have to stick around long enough to see his emergency palace built so maybe he'll just go back to being fire chief. I mean he will have gotten everything he wanted.
Something is weird about the whole set up. The county commission hasn't even looked at getting a permanent county manager.
They got rid of Chris Venice who was the then County Manager. Venice had a rough time any time developer friendly commissioners were in power. Herb Frady and his pals of the day bumped her from anything to do with planning and zoning years back because she stuck to her guns and upheld the rules. They liked to bend for their buddy developers.
Frady didn't like it when the straight-arrow Dunn Wells Pfeifer group wanted her to be county manager. Some of the government employees who were used to doing things their way rather than by the rules didn't like her either. All of a sudden they were expected to start acting like they were in a business instead of a typical government free for all zone.
So Frady finally stabbed just enough people in the back to think he got what he wanted which was a Board that would get rid of Bill McNally. Chris Venice was another thorn in his side and the Commissioners wanted someone who was on "their" side so she was out.
They pull in their buddy their friend Jack Krakeel. He's the one who's getting close to retirement and needs a defined benefit system. Rumor has it he didn't do real well with sticking money back for retirement and he's panicking. Who knows if that's true? I sure don't but it makes sense.
It's been almost a year and he's still the "Interim" County manager which means he's temporary. Temporary? Why??????
The commissioners haven't even made a tiny squeak about looking for a full-time county manager.
The county manager is a contract job it's not one where you are tied into county benefits and you serve at the will of the board. Which means they can ditch you like a hot potato for no reason. If Krakeel is still an employee like he is now then it's tougher and he automatically gets exactly what he's fighting for which is a cushy retirement.
I wonder what he's getting paid? Is it his regular salary or is he getting double?
There were some deals cut. They moved his pet project forward costing tax payers a huge chunk of money and now we're going to have some kind of emergency center that will make the rest of the state second class. He got his defined benefits, too.
Here's what I think is going to happen. I think once the defined benefits are locked in later this year they'll start looking for a full time county manager. I don't know how long it will take for Krakeel to take care of getting all his stuff transferred money wise so he can retire but it won't be long after that before he's gone.
No wait I forgot!!! He'll have to stick around long enough to see his emergency palace built so maybe he'll just go back to being fire chief. I mean he will have gotten everything he wanted.
Something is weird about the whole set up. The county commission hasn't even looked at getting a permanent county manager.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Did anyone read that article about Jack Smith?
Talk about patting yourself on the back. Puffed up ego's-R-us.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Hi Fayette County!
Looks like none of my fellow bloggers have done much yet. Guess it's the holidays.
Here's topics I'm going to be watching in Fayette County:
1. The INTERIM County Manager. How do you have a county manager who isn't permanent yet?
2. Defined benefits. The county commission is screwing the tax payers of Fayette County.
3. New city council in Tyrone. Old sour grapes who wanted to be mayor and lost is raising a stink. He should just go quietly. Lots of changes over there, so far sound good.
4. The LIE told by Maxwell about the VIOLATION of the OPEN MEETINGS act.
5. Big boxes in my home town of PTC.
6. Logsdon. Good bad or just OK?
That's it for now. I thought it was time that one of us put something out here. Happy new year.
Here's topics I'm going to be watching in Fayette County:
1. The INTERIM County Manager. How do you have a county manager who isn't permanent yet?
2. Defined benefits. The county commission is screwing the tax payers of Fayette County.
3. New city council in Tyrone. Old sour grapes who wanted to be mayor and lost is raising a stink. He should just go quietly. Lots of changes over there, so far sound good.
4. The LIE told by Maxwell about the VIOLATION of the OPEN MEETINGS act.
5. Big boxes in my home town of PTC.
6. Logsdon. Good bad or just OK?
That's it for now. I thought it was time that one of us put something out here. Happy new year.
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