Thursday, July 31, 2008


I did not go to the commission meeting, however I am privy to a few things that happened during the meeting. Commissioner Peter Pfeifer was the lone no vote to settle the lawsuit. He objected saying the Commission did NOT lose the law suits when they went to the Supreme Court of Georgia and that this would open the door to more billboards.

How could it not open the door? Once you allow billboards, the next guy is going to sue and get billboards as long as we have this group of Commissioners.

Commissioner Eric Maxwell sued the county to get unlimited signs. I understand his attorney was Scott Bennett, the county attorney Maxwell hired to replace Bill McNally's firm.

Scott Bennett sued the county working for the company that Maxwell and friends just settled with. How's that for a bowl of rotten stew?

Bennett should have disclosed his ties to Tanner and Maxwell in turn should have disclosed his ties to Bennett and signs. Well, maybe not the signs!

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